Cat Testis Thin Section
The Ancient Egyptians considered cats sacred animals and were the first to domesticate the predators, most likely to control rodent populations around granaries. Though they generally no longer hold a religious status, cats can be found in more homes than ever before. Cats reach a maturity level that allows breeding sometime between seven and twelve months of age. Unlike their wild brethren, cats can have multiple litters in a single year.

Cats reach a maturity level that allows breeding sometime between seven and twelve months of age. Unlike their wild brethren, cats can have multiple litters in a single year. Since the average number of kittens in a litter is four, cat populations can increase quite rapidly if efforts are not made to counteract the occurrence of pregnancy. Historically, selective killing was the primary means of keeping newborn numbers manageable, but sterilization has become preferential in present day society. Interestingly, sterilized cars have a longer life expectancy than those that are reproductively unaltered.
Kittens, similar to many other carnivores, are born helpless. They begin blind and deaf and do not develop their senses until many days later. Newborns also generally lack their distinctive coloration, developing their true colors and marking several weeks after birth. For instance, the widely popular Siamese cat is born a solid white, the characteristic dark marks only appearing as they grow older.