Site Map
Microscopy Basics
- Innovations in Light Microscopy
- Aberrations in Confocal Microscopy
- Basic Microscope Ergonomics
- Conjugate Planes in Optical Microscopy
- Depth of Field and Depth of Focus
- Field of View
- Coverslip Correction
- Image Brightness
- Infinity Optical Systems
- Introduction to Microscope Objectives
- Laser Safety
- Microscope Objective Specifications
- Modulation Transfer Function
- Multiple-Beam Interferometry
- Nikon CFI60 Optical System
- Numerical Aperture
- Properties of Microscope Objectives
- Refractive Index (Index of Refraction)
- Resolution
- Specialized Microscope Objectives
- The Microscope Optical Train
- Two-Beam Interferometry
- Useful Magnification Range
- Water Immersion Objectives
- Working Distance and Parfocal Length
- Linear Measurements (Micrometry)
- Introductory Confocal Concepts
- Confocal Imaging Modes
- Aberrations in Confocal Microscopy
- Spectral Imaging and Linear Unmixing
- Confocal Reflection Microscopy
- Specimen Preparation and Imaging
- Critical Aspects of Confocal Microscopy
- Three-Color Confocal Imaging
- Resonant Scanning in Laser Confocal Microscopy
- Introduction to Fluorescence Microscopy
- Basics of FRET Microscopy
- Fluorescence in situ Hybridization
- Introduction to Fluorescent Proteins
- Stereomicroscopy Fluorescence Illumination
- Optical System and Detector Requirements for Live-Cell Imaging
- Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) Microscopy
- Multiphoton Microscopy
- Fluorescence Filter Combinations
- Imaging Fluorescent Proteins
- Laser Safety
Light Sheet
Phase Contrast
Polarized Light
Live-Cell Imaging
- Maintaining Live Cells on the Microscope Stage
- Live-Cell Imaging Culture Chambers
- Introduction to Fluorescent Proteins
- Correcting Focus Drift in Live-Cell Microscopy
- Optical System and Detector Requirements for Live-Cell Imaging
- The Automatic Microscope
- Imaging Fluorescent Proteins
- Nikon Perfect Focus System (PFS)
Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)
Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH)
Digital Imaging
- Color Balance in Digital Imaging
- Digital Imaging – New Opportunities for Microscopy
- Digital Networking Camera Technology
- Fundamentals of Digital Imaging
- Introduction to Charge-Coupled Devices (CCDs)
Nikon’s Museum of Microscopy
- Nikon's First Microscope
- Model SM-5 Stereoscopic Microscope
- Model H Microscope
- SMZ Steromicroscope
- Nikon Apophot Table Microscope
- Model S Microscope
- Model S Epi-Illuminator
- Model S-Ke Microscope
- Model M Inverted Microscope
- Microflex Model PFM Camera Accessory
- Interference-Phase Microscope Accessory
- Halogen Lamp Illuminator (Model S-Ke)
- Model G Microscope
- Model MS Inverted Microscope
- Model S-Po Microscope
- Model GH Microscope
- Stereoscopic Microscope Model SM-6
- Biophot
- Slit Lamp CS-1 Microscope
- Diaphot TMD Inverted Microscope
- Labophot Entry-Level Research Microscope
- Multiphot Large-Format Photomacrography Microscope
- Alphaphot
- Microphot-FX Research Microscope
- Diaphot Inverted Tissue Culture Microscope
- Nikon TMS Inverted Microscope
- Optiphot-88 IC Inspection Microscope
- Model SMZ-2T Stereomicroscope
- Eclipse E600
- SMZ-U Stereoscopic Zoom Microscope
- XD-20 Large Substrate Microscope
- Eclipse E600POL
- Diaphot 200/300 Inverted Microscope
- Eclipse E800
- Eclipse TE300 Inverted Microscope
- Eclipse E1000
- Eclipse E400
- Model SMZ-800 Stereomicroscope
- Eclipse PhysioStation
- Eclipse E200
- Eclipse TS100
- Model SMZ1500 Stereomicroscope
- Eclipse TE2000 Inverted Microscope
- C1 Series Confocal
- Eclipse 50/55i
- Eclipse 80i
- Eclipse 90i
- SMZ25 Stereomicroscope
- 3D Superresolution Techniques
- 4Pi Superresolution Microscopy
- Autofluorescence
- Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation
- Blinking Superresolution Microscopy
- Cellular Phototoxicity
- Chromophore-Assisted Light Inactivation
- Confocal Microscopy
- Deconvolution Microscopy
- Differential Interference Contrast (DIC)
- dSTORM Microscopy
- Electron-Multiplying CCD Cameras
- FLIM Literature References
- Fluorescence Microscopy
- Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching
- Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer
- Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer
- Fluorescent Protein Biosensors
- Fluorescent Proteins
- Fluorescent Speckle Microscopy
- Fluorophore Co-Localization
- Fluorophore Photobleaching
- Focus Drift in Optical Microscopy
- FRET Microscopy with Spectral Imaging
- General Phase Contrast Literature Sources
- Ground State Depletion (GSD) Microscopy
- Interference Superresolution Microscopy
- Linear Measurements (Micrometry)
- Live-Cell Imaging
- Live-Cell Imaging and Perfusion Chambers
- Live-Cell Imaging Chambers
- Live-Cell Superresolution
- Microscope Optical Systems
- Motorized Microscope Accessory Internet Resources
- Multiphoton Microscopy
- Near-Field Scanning (NSOM)
- Optical Highlighter Fluorescent Proteins
- PALM Microscopy
- PALMIRA Superresolution Imaging
- Phase Contrast Microscopy
- Polarized Light Microscopy
- Quantum Dots
- Resonant Scanning Confocal Microscopy
- Saturated Structured Illumination
- Selective Plane Illumination
- Single Molecule Fluorescence Microscopy
- Single-Molecule Localization
- Specialized Superresolution Methods
- Specimen Contrast in Microscopy
- Spectral Imaging and Linear Unmixing
- Spinning Disk Microscopy
- Standing Wave Microscopy
- Stereomicroscopy
- Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED)
- STORM Microscopy
- Structured Illumination Microscopy
- Superresolution Localization Accuracy
- Superresolution Microscopy Probes
- Superresolution Practical Aspects
- Superresolution Review Articles
- Superresolution Structured Illumination
- Superresolution Techniques
- Synthetic Fluorophores and Hybrid Tags
- The RESOLFT Concept
- Total Internal Reflection Microscopy
Technique Galleries
Application Galleries
Nikon’s Small World Galleries
Microscopy Basics
Confocal Microscopy
- Integrated Circuit Inspection
- Lambda Stack Basic Concepts
- Lambda Stacks and Spectral Signatures
- Nikon Diffraction Efficiency Enhancement System (DEES)
- Resonant Scanning Confocal Microscope Zoom
- Resonant Scanning in Laser Confocal Microscopy
- Spectral Imaging with FRET Biosensors
- Spectral Imaging with Linear Unmixing
Digital Imaging
DIC Microscopy
- Bias Retardation Effects on Specimen Contrast
- DIC Microscopy with de Sénarmont Compensators
- Nomarski Prism Action in Polarized Light
- Optical Sectioning in Reflected Light DIC
- The de Sénarmont DIC Microscope Optical Train
- Wavefront Relationships in de Sénarmont and Nomarski DIC
- Wavefront Relationships in Reflected Light DIC Microscopy
Fluorescence Microscopy
- Balancing Arc-Discharge Lamp Excitation Illumination
- Blue Excitation
- Blue-Violet Excitation
- Dual Band Excitation
- Fluorescence Filter Noise Terminator
- Fluorescent Protein Biosensors
- Focus and Alignment of Mercury and Xenon Arc Lamps
- Green Excitation
- Matching Fluorescent Probes with Nikon Fluorescence Filter Blocks
- Stereomicroscopy Fluorescence
- Triple Band Excitation
- Ultraviolet Excitation
- Violet Excitation
- Yellow Excitation
Live Cell Imaging
- Adjustment of Objective Correction Collars
- Choosing Filter Combinations for Fluorescent Proteins
- Choosing Fluorescent Proteins for Dual Labeling Experiments
- Comparison of Phase Contrast & DIC Microscopy
- DIC Microscope Component Alignment
- Focus and Alignment of Mercury and Xenon Arc Lamps
- Förster (Fluorescence) Resonance Energy Transfer with Fluorescent Proteins
- Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy
- Matching Camera to Microscope Resolution
- Matching Fluorescent Probes with Nikon Fluorescence Filter Blocks
- Microscope Alignment for Köhler Illumination
- Optical Sectioning with de Sénarmont DIC Microscopy
- Perfect Focus Offset System Mechanics
- Phase Contrast Microscope Alignment
- Phase Plate Configuration Effects on Specimen Contrast
- Proximity-Focused Image Intensifiers
- Spatial Resolution in Digital Imaging
- The Nikon Perfect Focus System (PFS)
Optical Systems
- Chromatic Aberration
- Condenser Image Planes
- Field of View Diameter
- Geometrical Construction of Ray Diagrams
- Geometrical Distortion
- Infinity-Corrected Microscope Conjugate Field Planes
- Microscope Alignment for Köhler Illumination
- Microscope Conjugate Field Planes
- Modulation Transfer Function: Diffraction Effects on Image Contrast
- Perfect Lens Characteristics
- Perfect Two-Lens System Characteristics
- Specimen Contrast Enhancement with Apodized Phase Plates
- Tube Lens Focal Length
- Viewing and Projection Eyepieces
Polarized Light
Phase Contrast
Super-Resolution Microscopy