Cup Fungus
The spore-producing area of these fungi is found along the inside surface of the colorful bowl. The cup typically ranges from one to several inches across and is comprised of sac-shaped cells called asci. Each of the numerousascus usually contains eight sexual spores called ascospores. Often attached closely to a log or twig, many cup fungi actively shoot mature spores upward into the air stream. Sometimes the spores are discharged in such large numbers that they form a powdery mist. This aboveground spore producing structure is commonly referred to as the fruiting body. By contrast, the metabolically active body of the fungus is hidden either underground or throughout the host interior. The cup fungus derives nutrients from the host using an expansive interlacing network of fibers comprised of a multitude of thread-like filaments known as hyphae. Many of the exotic cup fungi are saprobes and derive nourishment from nonliving or decaying organic matter such as logs and leaves. A few species of cup fungi are plant pathogens, such as Monilinia, which is a species of fungus that causes brown rot in stone fruits such as peaches and apricots.