Mosquito Proboscis
There are over 2500 different species of mosquitoes throughout the world and most do not stray more than a mile away from their breeding site. Female mosquitoes need water to lay their eggs. They can produce 100-300 eggs at a time, forming groups that float upon the water's surface like rafts. Areas nearby creeks, lakes, and other slow moving or standing water are, therefore, the most heavily inhabited and should be avoided if one wants to avoid the dreaded mosquito bite.

There are over 2500 different species of mosquitoes throughout the world and most do not stray more than a mile away from their breeding site. Female mosquitoes need water to lay their eggs. They can produce 100-300 eggs at a time, forming groups that float upon the water's surface like rafts. Areas nearby creeks, lakes, and other slow moving or standing water are, therefore, the most heavily inhabited and should be avoided if one wants to avoid the dreaded mosquito bite.
All mosquitoes, however, are not to blame for the itching and irritation so closely associated with their annoying feeding habits. Only female mosquitoes bite. They need the proteins found in blood in order to lay their eggs. The mouthparts of male mosquitoes are unsuitable for piercing skin so they only feed upon plant juices. The bump from a mosquito bite is caused by the saliva a female mosquito injects into her victim to help the blood flow more easily into her abdomen. Most humans are allergic to the saliva, which then produces itching and swelling.