Autofluorescence in Microscopy Literature References
Autofluorescence is a naturally-occurring phenomenon that is observed in many plant and animal tissues, but can also be introduced by fixatives. The emission spectrum of autofluorescence is usually very broad when compared to the spectra of synthetic dyes, quantum dots, or fluorescent proteins, and is therefore often difficult to separate from that produced by fluorescently labeled tags using traditional filtering methodology.
Recommended Literature
- Aubin, J. E. Autofluorescence of viable cultured mammalian cells. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 27: 36-43 (1979).
- Benson, R. C., Meyer, R. A., Zaruba, M. E. and McKhann, G. M. Cellular autofluorescence: Is it due to flavins? Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 27: 44-48 (1979).
- Billinton, N. and Knight, A. W. Seeing the wood through the trees: A review of techniques for distinguishing green fluorescent protein from endogenous autofluorescence. Analytical Biochemistry 291: 175-197 (2001).
- Andersson, H., Baechi, T., Hoechl, M. and Richter, C. Autofluorescence of living cells.Journal of Microscopy 191: 1-7 (1997).
- Knight, A. W. and Billington, N. Distinguishing GFP from cellular autofluorescence.Biophotonics International 8: 42-50 (2001).
- Neumann, M. and Gabel, D. Simple method for reduction of autofluorescence in fluorescence microscopy. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 50: 437-439 (2002).
- Baschong, W., Suetterlin, R. and Laeng, R. H. Control of autofluorescence of archival formaldehyde-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue in confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 49: 1656-1572 (2001).
- Monici, M. Cell and tissue autofluorescence research and diagnostic applications.Biotechnology Annual Review 11: 227-256 (2005).
- Mansfield, J. R., Gossage, K. W., Hoyt, C. C. and Levenson, R. M. Autofluorescence removal, multiplexing, and automated analysis methods for in-vivo fluorescence imaging. Journal of Biomedical Optics 10: 041207 (2005).
Additional Literature Sources
- Brock, R., Hink, M. A. and Jovin, T. M. Fluorescence correlation microscopy of cells in the presence of autofluorescence. Biophysical Journal 75: 2547-2557 (1998).
- Chorvat, D., Kirchnerova, J., Cagalinec, M., Smolka, J., Mateasik, A. and Chorvatova, A.Spectral unmixing of flavin autofluorescence components in cardiac myocytes.Biophysical Journal 89: 55-57 (2005).
- Constantinou, P., Wilson, B. C. and Damaskinos, S. Hyperspectral unmixing for removing autofluorescence from paraffin-embedded, formalin-fixed tissue sections. Proceedings of SPIE 5969: 59692E (2005).
- Cowen, T., Haven, A. J. and Burnstock, G. Pontamine sky blue: A counterstain for background autofluorescence in fluorescence and immunofluorescence histochemistry.Histochemistry and Cell Biology 82: 205-208 (1985).
- DaCosta, R. S., Andersson, H. and Wilson, B. C. Molecular fluorescence excitation-emission matrices relevant to tissue spectroscopy. Photochemistry and Photobiology 78: 384-392 (2003).
- Dowson, J. H. Quantitative histochemical studies of changes in the intensity of formaldehyde-induced fluorescence and autofluorescence during storage of tissue sections. Histochemistry and Cell Biology 37: 75-79 (1973).
- Engel, R., Van Haastert, P. J. M. and Viser, A. J. W. G. Spectral characterization ofDictyostelium autofluorescence. Microscopy Research and Technique 69: 168-174 (2006).
- Gao, G., Johansson, U., Rundquist, I. and Ollinger, K. Lipofuscin-induced autofluorescence of living neonatal rat cardiomyocytes in culture. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development73: 79-86 (1994).
- Knight, A. W., Goddard, N. J., Billinton, N., Cahill, P. A. and Walmsley, R. M. Fluorescence polarization discriminates green fluorescent protein from interfering autofluorescence in a microplate assay for genotoxicity. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods 51:165-177 (2002).
- Li, D., Zheng, W. and Qu, J. Y. Two-photon autofluorescence microscopy of multicolor excitation. Optics Letters 34: 202-204 (2009).
- Mantha, S. V., Johnson, G. A. and Day, T. A. Evidence from action and fluorescence spectra that UV-induced violet-blue-green fluorescence enhances leaf photosynthesis.Photochemistry and Photobiology 73: 249-256 (2001).
- Mitsumoto, K., Yabusaki, K. and Aoyagi, H. Classification of pollen species using autofluorescence image analysis. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 107: 90-94 (2009).
- Monici, M. Cell and tissue autofluorescence research and diagnostic applications.Biotechnology Annual Review 11: 227-256 (2005).
- Mosiman, V. L., Patterson, B. K., Canterero, L. and Goolsby, C. L. Reducing cellular autofluorescence in flow cytometry: An in situ method. Cytometry B30: 151-156 (1997).
- Omasa, K., Konishi, A., Tamura, H. and Hosoi, F. 3D confocal laser scanning microscopy for the analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of chloroplasts in intact leaf tissues.Plant and Cell Physiology 50: 90-105 (2008).
- Pavlova, I., Williams, M., El-Naggar, A., Richards-Kortum, R. and Gillenwater, A. Understanding the biological basis of autofluorescence imaging for oral cancer detection: High-resolution fluorescence microscopy of viable tissue. Clinical Cancer Research 14: 2396-2404 (2008).
- Psycharakis, S., Zacharakis, G., Garofalakis, A., Favicchio, R. and Ripoll, J. Autofluorescence removal from fluorescence tomography data using multispectral imaging. Proceedings of SPIE 6626: 662601-7 (2007).
- Schnell, S. A., Staines, W. A. and Wessendorf, M. W. Reduction of lipofuscin-like autofluorescence in fluorescently labeled tissue. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 47: 719-730 (1999).
- Staple, P. H. and Luborsky-Moore, J. L. Sodium borohydride reduction of fluorescence as a specificity test for the histochemical demonstration of monoamines. Histochemical Journal 10: 247-250 (1978).
- Steinkamp, J. A. and Stewart, C. C. Dual-laser, differential fluorescence correction method for reducing cellular background autofluorescence. Cytometry A7: 566-574 (1986).
- Van de Lest, C. H., Versteeg, E. M., Veerkamp, J. H. and Van Kuppevelt, T. H. Elimination of autofluorescence in immunofluorescence microscopy with digital image processing.Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 43: 727-730 (1995).
- Viegas, M. S., Martins, T. C., Seco, F. and de Carmo, A. An improved and cost-effective methodology for the reduction of autofluorescence in direct immunofluorescence studies on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues. European Journal of Histochemistry 51: 59-66 (2007).
- Wang, T. D. and Triadafilopoulos, G. Autofluorescence imaging: Have we finally seen the light? Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 61: 686-688 (2005).
- Werkmeister, J. A., Tebb, T. A., Peters, D. E. and Ramshaw, J. A. M. The use of quenching agents to enable immunofluorescent examination of collagen-based biomaterials showing glutaraldehyde-derived autofluorescence. Clinical Materials 6: 13-20 (1990).