DIC Microscopy Literature References
An excellent mechanism for rendering contrast in transparent specimens, differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy is a beam-shearing interference system in which the reference beam is sheared by a minuscule amount, generally somewhat less than the diameter of an Airy disk. The technique produces a monochromatic shadow-cast image that effectively displays the gradient of optical paths for both high and low spatial frequencies present in the specimen. Those regions of the specimen where the optical paths increase along a reference direction appear brighter (or darker), while regions where the path differences decrease appear in reverse contrast. As the gradient of optical path difference grows steeper, image contrast is dramatically increased.
Recommended Literature
- Pluta, M. Nomarski's DIC microscopy: A review. Proceedings of SPIE 1846: 10-25 (1994).
- Allen, R. D. New observations on cell architecture and dynamics by video-enhanced contrast optical microscopy. Annual Review of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry 14:265-290 (1985).
- Hariharan, P. The Sénarmont compensator: An early application of the geometric phase.Journal of Modern Optics 40: 2061-2064 (1993).
- Sheppard, C. J. R. and Cogswell, C. J. Image formation in video-enhanced and confocal DIC microscopy. Proceedings of SPIE 1846: 64-71 (1994).
- Cody, S. H., Xiang, S. D., Layton, M. J., Handman, E., Lam, M. H. C., Layton, J. E., Nice, E. C. and Heath, J. K. A simple method allowing DIC imaging in conjunction with confocal microscopy. Journal of Microscopy 217: 265-274 (2005).
- Centonze-Frohlich, V. Phase contrast and differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy. Journal of Visualized Experiments 17: 844 (2008).
- Rosenthal, C. K. Light Microscopy: Contrast by interference. Nature Milestones | Milestone 8: (2009).
- Lasslett, A. Principles and applications of differential interference contrast light microscopy. Microscopy and Analysis 20: S9-S11 (2006).
- Inoue, S. Video image processing greatly enhances contrast, quality, and speed in polarization-based microscopy. Journal of Cell Biology 89: 346-356 (1981).
- Allen, R. D., David, G. B. and Nomarski, G. The Zeiss-Nomarski differential interference equipment for transmitted-light microscopy. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie und Mikroskopische Technik 69: 193-221 (1969).
- Salmon, E. D. and Tran, P. High-resolution video-enhanced differential interference contrast (VE-DIC) light microscopy. Methods in Cell Biology 81: 335-364 (2007).
- Salmon, E. D. and Tran, P. High-resolution video-enhanced differential interference contrast (VE-DIC) light microscopy. Methods in Cell Biology 56: 153-184 (1998).
Additional Literature Sources
- Allen, R. D., Allen, N. S. and Travis, J. L. Video-enhanced contrast, differential interference contrast (AVEC-DIC) microscopy: A new method capable of analyzing microtubule-related motility in the reticulopodial network of Allogromia laticollaris. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 1: 291-302 (1981).
- Amos, W. B., Reichelt, S., Cattermole, D. M. and Laufer, J. Re-evaluation of differential phase contrast (DPC) in a scanning laser microscope using a split detector as an alternative to differential interference contrast (DIC) optics. Journal of Microscopy 210: 166-175 (2003).
- Arnison, M. R., Cogswell, C. J., Smith, N. I., Fekete, P. W. and Larkin, K. G. Using the Hilbert transform for 3D visualization of differential interference contrast microscope images.Journal of Microscopy 199: 79-84 (2000).
- Arnison, M. R., Larkin, K. G., Sheppard, C. J. R., Smith, N. I. and Cogswell, C. J. Linear phase imaging using differential interference contrast microscopy. Journal of Microscopy 214: 7-12 (2004).
- Atkinson, M. R. and Dixon, A. E. Single-pinhole differential phase contrast microscopy.Applied Optics 33: 641-653 (1994).
- Bajer, A. and Allen, R. D. Structure and organization of the living mitotic spindle ofHaemanthus endosperm. Science 151: 572-574 (1966).
- Brady, S. T., Lasek, R. J. and Allen, R. D. Video microscopy of fast axonal transport in extruded axoplasm: A new model for study of molecular mechanisms. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 5: 81-101 (1985).
- Cogswell, C. J., Smith, N. I. and Larkin K. G. Quantitative DIC microscopy using a geometric phase shifter. Proceedings of SPIE 2984: 72-81 (1997).
- Cui, X., Lew, M. and Yang, C. Quantitative differential interference contrast microscopy based on structured-aperture interference. Applied Physics Letters 93: 091113 (2008).
- Dyson, J. An interferometer microscope. Proceedings of the Royal Society A7: 170-187 (1950).
- Feineigle, P. A., Witkin, A. P. and Stonick, V. L. Processing of 3D DIC microscopy images for data visualization. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 4: 2160-2163 (1996).
- Gundlach, H. Phase contrast and DIC instrumentation and applications in cell, developmental, and marine biology. Proceedings of SPIE 1846: 126-139 (1994).
- Hansen, E. W., Conchello, J. A. and Allen, R. D. Restoring image quality in the polarizing microscope: Analysis of the Allen video-enhanced contrast method. Journal of the Optical Society of America A5: 1836-1847 (1988).
- Hartman, J. S., Gordon, R. L. and Lessor, D. L. Quantitative surface topography determination by Nomarski reflection microscopy. 2: Microscope modification, calibration, and planar sample experiments. Applied Optics 19: 2998-3009 (1980).
- Hayden, J. H., Allen, R. D. and Goldman, R. D. Cytoplasmic transport in keratocytes: Direct visualization of particle translocation along microtubules. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 3: 1-19 (1983).
- Hill, D. B., Macosko, J. C. and Holzwarth, G. M. Motion-enhanced, differential interference contrast (MEDIC) microscopy of moving vesicles in live cells: VE-DIC updated. Journal of Microscopy 231: 433-439 (2008).
- Holzwarth, G., Hill, D. and McLaughlin, E. Polarization-modulated differential interference contrast microscopy with a variable retarder. Applied Optics 39: 6288-6294 (2000).
- Holzwarth, G., Webb, S. C., Kubinski, D. J. and Allen, N. S. Improving DIC microscopy with polarization modulation. Journal of Microscopy 188: 249-254 (1997).
- Huxley, A. F. and Niedergerke, R. Structural changes in muscle during contraction: Interference microscopy of living muscle fibres. Nature 173: 971-973 (1954).
- King, S. V., Libertun, A., Piestun, R., Cogswell, C. J. and Preza, C. Quantitative phase microscopy through differential interference imaging. Journal of Biomedical Optics 13:024020 (2008).
- Noguchi, A., Ishiwata, H., Itoh, M. and Yatagai, T. Optical sectioning in differential interference contrast microscopy. Optics Communications 282: 3223-3230 (2009).
- Ooki, H., Iwasaki, Y. and Iwasaki, J. Differential interference contrast microscope with differential detection for optimizing image contrast. Applied Optics 35: 2230-2234 (1996).
- Pluta, M. Variable DIC system for anisotropic and submicron objects. Proceedings of SPIE1846: 72-79 (1994).
- Resnick, A. Differential interference contrast micrsocopy as a polarimetric instrument.Applied Optics 41: 38-45 (2002).
- Shen, F., Hodgson, L., Price, J. H. and Hahn, K. M. Digital differential interference contrast autofocus for high-resolution oil-immersion microscopy. Cytometry 73A: 658-666 (2008).
- Shribak, M. and Inoue, S. Orientation-independent differential interference contrast microscopy. Applied Optics 45: 460-469 (2006).
- Smith, F. H. Two half-shade devices for optical polarizing instruments. Nature 173: 362-363 (1954).
Books and Book Chapters
- Murphy, D. Differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy and modulation contrast microscopy. in Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Digital Imaging, Wiley-Liss, New York, pages 153-168 (2001).
- Rost, F. and Oldfield R. Differential interference-contrast (DIC) microscopy. in Photography with a Microscope, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, pages 136-140 (2000).
- Lanni, F. and Keller, E. Microscopy and microscope optical systems. in Imaging Neurons: A Laboratory Manual, Yuste, R., Lanni, F., and Konnerth, A. (eds), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, pages 1.30-1.37 (2000).