Co-Localization Microscopy Literature References
Co-localization describes the presence of two or more different molecules in very close spatial positions within a specimen, which is often visualized using confocal microscopy with synthetic fluorophores or fluorescent proteins. The technique attempts to determine whether there is the potential for interaction between the two fluorophores, but investigators should be cautious about obtaining images at the proper spatial (three dimensional) resolution in order to avoid artifacts. Co-localization is analyzed through the use of scatterplots.
Recommended Literature
- Zinchuk, V. and Grossenbacher-Zinchuk, O. Recent advances in quantitative colocalization analysis: Focus on neuroscience. Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 44: 125-172 (2009).
- Smallcombe, A. Multicolor Imaging: the important question of co-localization.BioTechniques 30: 1240-1246 (2001).
- Zinchuk, V. and Zinchuk, O. Quantitative colocalization analysis of confocal fluorescence microscopy images. Current Protocols in Cell Biology 4: 19 (2008).
- Demandolx, D. and Davoust, J. Multicolour analysis and local image correlation in confocal microscopy. Journal of Microscopy 185: 21-36 (1997).
- Comeau, J. W. D., Costantino, S. and Wiseman, P. W. A guide to accurate fluorescence microscopy colocalization measurements. Biophysical Journal 91: 4611-4622 (2006).
- Bolte, S. and Cordelieres, F. P. A guided tour into subcellular colocalization analysis in light microscopy. Journal of Microscopy 224: 213-232 (2006).
- Landmann, L. and Marbet, P. Colocalization analysis yields superior results after image restoration. Microscopy Research and Technique 64: 103-112 (2004).
- Oheim, M. and Li, D. Quantitative colocalisation imaging: concepts, measurements, and pitfalls. Imaging Cellular and Molecular Biological Functions 29: 117-155 (2007).
- Manders, E. E. M., Verbeek, F. J. and Aten, J. A. Measurement of co-localization of objects in dual-colour confocal images. Journal of Microscopy 169: 375-382 (1993).
Additional Literature Sources
- Carmona, R., Macias, D., Guadix, J. A., Portillo, V., Perez-Pomares, J. M. and Munoz-Chapuli, R. A simple technique of image analysis for specific nuclear immunolocalization of proteins.Journal of Microscopy 225: 96-99 (2007).
- Casavan, W. and Gaidoukevitch, Y. Colocalization of fluorescent probes. Media CyberneticsApplication Note 1 (2002).
- Constantino, S., Comeau, J. W. D., Kolin, D. L. and Wiseman, P. W. Accuracy and dynamic range of spatial image correlation and cross-correlation spectroscopy. Biophysical Journal 89: 1251-1260 (2005).
- Costes, S. V., Daelemans, D., Cho, E. H. Dobbin, Z., Pavlakis and G. Lockett, S. Automatic and quantitative measurement of protein-protein colocalization in live cells. Biophysical Journal 86: 3993-4003 (2004).
- French, A. P., Mills, S., Swarup, R., Bennett, M. J. and Pridmore, T. P. Colocalization of fluorescent markers in confocal microscope images of plant cells. Nature Protocols 3:619-628 (2008).
- Jaskolski, F., Mulle, C. and Manzoni, O. J. An automated method to quantify and visualize colocalized fluorescent signals. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 146: 42-49 (2005).
- Koyama-Honda, I., Ritchie, K., Fujiwara, T., Lino, R., Murakoshi, H., Kasai, R. S. and Kusumi, A.Fluorescence imaging for monitoring the colocalization of two single molecules in living cells. Biophysical Journal 88: 2126-2136 (2005).
- Kumar, R. K., Chapple, C. C. and Hunter, N. Improved double immunofluorescence for confocal laser scanning microscopy. The Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry47: 1213-1217 (1999).
- Landmann, L. Deconvolution improves colocalization analysis of multiple fluorochromes in 3D confocal data sets more than filtering techniques. Journal of Microscopy 208: 134-147 (2002).
- Li, Q., Lau, A., Morris, T. J., Guo, L, Fordyce, C. B. and Stanley,E. F. A syntaxin 1, Gao and N-type calcium channel complex at a presynaptic nerve terminal: analysis by quantitative immunocolocalization. The Journal of Neuroscience 24: 4070-4081 (2004).
- Michalet, X., Lacoste, T. D. and Weiss, S. Ultrahigh-resolution colocalization of spectrally separable point-like fluorescent probes. Methods 25: 87-102 (2001).
- Scriven, D. R. L., Lynch, R. M. and Moore, E. D. W. Image acquisition for colocalization using optical microscopy. American Journal of Cell Physiology 294: 1119-1122 (2008).
- van Steensel, B., van Binnendijk, E. P., Hornsby, C. D., van der Voort, H. T. M., Krozowski, Z. S., de Kloet, E. R. and van Driel, R. Partial colocalization of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors in discrete compartments in nuclei of rat hippocampus neurons. Journal of Cell Science 109: 787-792 (1996).
- Wouterlood, F. G., Van Denderen, J. C. M., Blijleven, N., Van Minnen, J. and Hartig, W. Two-laser dual-immunofluorescence confocal laser scanning microscopy using Cy2- and Cy5-conjugated secondary antibodies: unequivocal detection of co-localization of neuronal markers. Brain Research Protocols 2: 149-159 (1998).
- Zinchuk, V., Zinchuk, O. and Okada, T. Quantitative colocalization analysis of multicolor confocal immunofluorescence microscopy images: pushing pixels to explore biological phenomena. Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica 40: 101-111 (2007).