Phase Contrast Microscopy Literature References
Differences in light absorption are often negligible between living cells and their surrounding nutrient medium, as well as between the various intracellular components and plasma membranes, rendering these entities barely visible when observed by brightfield illumination. Phase contrast microscopy takes advantage of minute refractive index differences within cellular components and between unstained cells and their surrounding aqueous medium to produce contrast in these and similar transparent specimens.
Recommended Literature
- Zernike, F. How I discovered phase contrast. Science 121: 345-349 (1955).
- Zernike, F. Phase contrast, a new method for the microscopic observation of transparent objects. Part I. Physica 9: 686-698 (1942).
- Zernike, F. Phase contrast, a new method for the microscopic observation of transparent objects. Part II. Physica 9: 974-986 (1942).
- Murphy, D. Phase contrast microscopy. in Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Digital Imaging, Wiley-Liss, New York, pages 97-112 (2001).
- Richards, O. W. Phase Microscopy 1954-1956. Science 124: 810-814 (1956).
- Otaki, T. Artifact halo reduction in phase contrast microscopy using apodization. Optical Review 7: 119-122 (2000).
- Centonze-Frohlich, V. Phase contrast and differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy. Journal of Visualized Experiments 17: 844 (2008).
- Hostounsky, Z. and Pelc, R. Phase-contrast versus off-axis illumination: Is a more complex microscope always more powerful? Advances in Physiology Education 31: 232-235 (2007).
Additional Literature Sources
- Ambriz-Colin, F., Torres-Cisneros, M., Avina-Cervantes, J. G., Saavedra, Martinez, J. E., Debeir, O., Sanchez-Mondragon, J. J. Detection of biological cells in phase-contrast microscopy images. IEEE Artificial Intelligence Conference 5: 68-77 (2006).
- Amos, W. B., Reichelt, S., Cattermole, D. M. and Laufer, J. Re-evaluation of differential phase contrast (DPC) in a scanning laser microscope using a split detector as an alternative to differential interference contrast (DIC) optics. Journal of Microscopy 210: 166-175 (2003).
- Barer, R. and Joseph, S. Refractometry of living cells. Part I. Basic principles. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science 95: 399-423 (1954).
- Barer, R. and Joseph, S. Refractometry of living cells. Part II. The immersion medium.Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science 96: 1-27 (1955).
- Barer, R. Refractometry and interferometry of living cells. Journal of the Optical Society of America 47: 545-556 (1957).
- Beerden, L., Flerackers, E. L. M. and Janssen, H. J. Phase-contrast microscopy. European Journal of Physics 6: 139-142 (1985).
- Bennett, A. H., Jupnik, H., Osterberg, H. and Richards, O. W. Phase microscopy. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 65: 99-131 (1946).
- Brice, A. T. On the Zernike phase-contrast method of microscopy. American Biology Teacher 15: 124-128 (1953).
- Brice, A. T., Jones, R. P. and Smyth, J. D. Golgi apparatus by phase contrast microscopy.Nature 157: 553-554 (1946).
- Burch, C. R. and Stock, J. P. P. Phase-contrast microscopy. Journal of Scientific Instruments 19: 71-75 (1942).
- Hand, A. J., Sun, T., Barber, D. C., Hose, D. R. and MacNeil, S. Automated tracking of migrating cells in phase-contrast video microscopy sequences using image registration.Journal of Microscopy 234: 62-79 (2009).
- Hopkins, H. H. A note on the theory of phase-contrast images. Proceedings of the Physical Society B66: 331-333 (1953).
- Hughes, W. H. The advantages and uses of phase contrast microscopy. Journal of Bacteriology 21: 143-145 (1958).
- Jupnik, H., Osterberg, H. and Pride, G. E. Phase microscopy with vertical illumination.Journal of the Optical Society of America 38: 338-342 (1948).
- Katoh, K., Otaki, T. and Suzuki, M. Apodized phase contrast microscopy (Japanese).Seibutsu Butsuri (Biophysics) 44: 260-264 (2004).
- Lewis, S. R., Pomerat, C. M. and Ezell, D. Human epidermal cells observed in tissue culture with phase-contrast microscopy. Anatomical Record 104: 487-503 (1949).
- Liang, R., Erwin, J. K. and Mansuripur, M. Variation on Zernike's phase-contrast microscope.Applied Optics 39: 2152-2158 (2000).
- Maurer, C., Jesacher, A., Bernet, S. and Ritsch-Marte, M. Phase contrast microscopy with full numerical aperture illumination. Optics Express 16: 19821-19829 (2008).
- Oliva, M. A., Bravo-Zanoguera, M. E. and Price, J. Autofocus for phase-contrast microscopy: Investigation of causes of nonunimodality. Proceedings of SPIE 3260: 174-179 (1998).
- Otaki, T. Halo reduction technique in phase contrast microscopy. Optical Review 8: 284-286 (2001).
- Pelc, R., Hostounsky, Z. and Otaki, T. Correlation between off-axis illumination and apodized phase-contrast: Two complementary microscopic phase-imaging modes.Journal of Biomedical Optics 13: 054067 (2008).
- Piper, J. Relief phase contrast: A new technique for phase-contrast light microscopy.Microscopy and Analysis 21: 9-12 (2007).
- Saylor, C. P., Brice, A. T. and Zernike, F. Color phase-contrast microscopy: Requirements and applications. Journal of the Optical Society of America 40: 329-334 (1950).
- Taylor, E. E. The control of amplitude in phase-contrast microscopy. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences 190: 422-426 (1947).
- Teschke, M. and Sinzinger, S. Phase contrast imaging: A generalized perspective. Journal of the Optical Society of America 26A: 1015-1021 (2009).
Books and Book Chapters
- Rost, F. and Oldfield R. Phase-contrast microscopy. in Photography with a Microscope, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, pages 131-136 (2000).
- Lanni, F. and Keller, E. Microscopy and microscope optical systems. in Imaging Neurons: A Laboratory Manual, Yuste, R., Lanni, F., and Konnerth, A. (eds), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, pages 1.1-1.72 (2000).
- Ross, K. F. A. Phase Contrast and Interference Microscopy for Cell Biologists. Arnold Publishers, Ltd., London, England, 287 pages (1967).
- Sheppard, C. J. R. Phase Contrast Microscopy. in Encyclopedia of Modern Optics, Elsevier Ltd., London, England, pages 103-111 (2005).