Quantum Dot Literature References
Quantum dots are inorganic semiconductor nanocrystals composed of a cadmium selenide (CdSe) core surrounded by a zinc sulphide (ZnS) shell that exhibit fluorescent properties due to confined excition emission. A passivation layer and hydrophilic coating must be applied to quantum dots for biological applications and they must also be conjugated to streptavidin or antibodies for targeting. The fluorescence emission profile of quantum dots is remarkably symmetrical and generally exhibits a large quantum yield, while their broad absorption profile enables them to be excited over a large wavelength range.
Recommended Literature
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- Jaiswal, J. K. and Simon, S. M. Potentials and pitfalls of fluorescent quantum dots for biological imaging. Trends in Cell Biology 14: 497-504 (2004).
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- Resch-Genger, U., Grabolle, M., Cavaliere-Jaricot, S., Nitschke, R. and Nann, T. Quantum dots versus organic dyes as fluorescent labels. Nature Methods 5: 763-775 (2008).
- Alivisatos, A. P. The use of nanocrystals in biological detection. Nature Biotechnology 22:47-52 (2004).
- Gao, X., Yang, L., Petros, J. A., Marshall, F. F., Simons, J. W. and Nie, S. In vivo molecular and cellular imaging with quantum dots. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 16: 63-72 (2005).
- Bruchez, M. P. Turning all the lights on: Quantum dots in cellular assays. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 9: 533-537 (2005).
- Li, Z. B., Cai, W. and Chen, X. Semiconductor quantum dots for in vivo imaging. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 7: 2567-2581 (2007).
- Chang, Y., Pinaud, F., Antelman, J. and Weiss, S. Tracking bio-molecules in live cells using quantum dots. Journal of Biophotonics 1: 287-298 (2008).
- Jaiswal, J. K., Goldman, E. R., Mattoussi, H. and Simon, S. M. Use of quantum dots for live cell imaging. Nature Methods 1: 73-78 (2004).
- Bentolila, L. A., Ebenstein, Y. and Weiss, S. Quantum dots for in vivo small-animal imaging.Journal of Nuclear Medicine 50: 493-496 (2009).
- Pathak, S., Cao, E., Davidson, M. C., Jin, S. and Silva, G. A. Quantum dot applications to neuroscience: New tools for probing neurons and glia. The Journal of Neuroscience 26:1893-1895 (2006).
- Medintz, I. L. and Mattoussi, H. Quantum dot-based resonance energy transfer and its growing application in biology. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11: 17-45 (2009).
- Zhang, Y., Kaji, N., Tokeshi, M. and Baba, Y. Nanobiotechnology: Quantum dots in bioimaging. Expert Review of Proteomics 4: 565-572 (2007).
Additional Literature Sources
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