Light Sheet Microscopy Literature References
Light sheet microscopy, also commonly referred to as selective plane illumination (SPIM), is emerging as a technique with great potential for superresolution imaging of cells, tissues, and entire animals. The technology offers reduced photobleaching, highly efficient image recording, and significant depth penetration. SPIM has been utilized in large specimens, such as fish and fruit fly embryos, which can be observed in a living state for several days. Advances in this field are likely to become more common in the upcoming years.
Recommended Literature
- Dodt, H. U., Leischner, U., Schierloh, A., Jahrling, N., Mauch, C. P., Deininger, K., Deussing, J. M., Eder, M., Zieglgansberger, W. and Becker, K. Ultramicroscopy: Three-dimensional visualization of neuronal networks in the whole mouse brain. Nature Methods 4: 331-336 (2007).
- Donnert, G., Keller, J., Medda, R., Andrei, M. A., Rizzoli, S. O., Luhrmann, R., Jahn, R., Eggeling, C. and Hell, S. W. Macromolecular-scale resolution in biological fluorescence microscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 103: 11440-11445 (2006).
- Engelbrecht, C. J., Greger, K., Reynaud, E. G., Krzic, U., Colombelli, J. and Stelzer, E. H. Three-dimensional laser microsurgery in light-sheet based microscopy (SPIM). Optics Express15: 6420-6430 (2007).
- Huisken, J. and Stainier, D. Y. R. Selective plane illumination microscopy techniques in developmental biology. Development 136: 1963-1975 (2009).
- Huisken, J., Swoger, J., Del Bene, F., Wittbrodt, J. and Stelzer, E. H. K. Optical sectioning deep inside live embryos by selective plane illumination microscopy. Science 305: 1007-1009 (2004).
- Keller, P. J., Pampaloni, F. and Stelzer, E. H. K. Life sciences require the third dimension.Current Opinion in Cell Biology 18: 117-124 (2006).
- Keller, P. J., Schmidt, A. D., Santella, A., Khairy, K., Bao, Z., Wittbrodt, J. and Stelzer, E. H. K. Fast, high-contrast imaging of animal development with scanned light sheet-based structured-illumination microscopy. Nature Methods 7: 637-642 (2010).
- Keller, P. J., Schmidt, A. D., Wittbrodt, J. and Stelzer, E. H. K. Reconstruction of zebrafish early embryonic development by scanned light sheet microscopy. Science 322: 1065-1069 (2008).
- Mertz, J. and Kim, J. Scanning light-sheet microscopy in the whole mouse brain with HiLo background rejection. Journal of Biomedical Optics 15: 016027-7 (2010).
- Ntziachristos, V. Going deeper than microscopy: The optical imaging frontier in biology.Nature Methods 7: 603-614 (2010).
- Reynaud, E. G., Krzic, U., Greger, K. and Stelzer, E. H. K. Light sheet-based fluorescence microscopy: More dimensions, more photons, and less photodamage. HFSP Journal 2:266-275 (2008).
- Verveer, P. J., Swoger, J., Pampaloni, F., Greger, K., Marcello, M. and Stelzer, E. H. K. High-resolution three-dimensional imaging of large specimens with light sheet-based microscopy. Nature Methods 4: 311-313 (2007).
- Wilt, B. A., Burns, L. D., Ho, E. T. W., Ghosh, K. K., Mukamel, E. A. and Schnitzer, M. J. Advances in light microscopy for neuroscience. Annual Review of Neuroscience 32: 435-506 (2009).
Additional Literature Sources
- Bruce, A. E. E. and Sampath, K. Morphing Morphogenesis. Zebrafish 5: 197-200 (2008).
- Buytaert, J. A. N. and Dirckx, J. J. J. Tomographic imaging of macroscopic biomedical objects in high resolution and three dimensions using orthogonal-plane fluorescence optical sectioning. Applied Optics 48: 941-948 (2009).
- Fedosov, I. V., Nefedov, I. S., Khlebtsov, B. N. and Tuchin, V. V. Measurements of the diffusion coefficient of nanoparticles by selective plane illumination microscopy. Optics and Spectroscopy 107: 846-852 (2009).
- Garini, Y., Vermolen, B. J. and Young, I. T. From micro to nano: Recent advances in high-resolution microscopy. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 16: 3-12 (2005).
- Greger, K., Swoger, J. and Stelzer, E. H. K. Basic building units and properties of a fluorescence single plane illumination microscope. Review of Scientific Instruments 78:023705-7 (2007).
- Holekamp, T. F., Turaga, D. and Holy, T. E. Fast three-dimensional fluorescence imaging of activity in neural populations by objective-coupled planar illumination microscopy.Neuron 57: 661-672 (2008).
- Huber, A. D., Keller, M. and Robert, D. 3D light scanning macrography. Journal of Microscopy 203: 208-213 (2001).
- Kam, Z., Hanser, B., Gustafsson, M. G. L., Agard, D. A. and Sedat, J. W. Computational adaptive optics for live three-dimensional biological imaging. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 98: 3790-3795 (2001).
- Keller, P. J., Pampaloni, F. and Stelzer, E. H. K. Three-dimensional preparation and imaging reveal intrinsic microtubule properties. Nature Methods 4: 843-846 (2007).
- Kikuchi, S., Sonobe, K., Mashiko, S., Hiraoka, Y. and Ohyama, N. Three-dimensional image reconstruction for biological micro-specimens using a double-axis fluorescence microscope. Optics Communications 138: 21-26 (1997).
- LaCroix, J. T., Xia, J. and Haidekker, M. A. A fully automated approach to quantitatively determine thickness of tissue-engineered cell sheets. Annals of Biomedical Engineering37: 1348-1357 (2009).
- Leischner, U., Zieglgansberger, W. and Dodt, H. U. Resolution of ultramicroscopy and field of view analysis. PLoS ONE 4: e5785-14 (2009).
- Palero, J., Santos, S. I. C. O., Artigas, D. and Loza-Alvarez, P. A simple scanless two-photon fluorescence microscope using selective plane illumination. Optics Express 18: 8491-8498 (2010).
- Ritter, J. G., Veith, R., Siebrasse, J. P. and Kubitscheck, U. High-contrast single-particle tracking by selective focal plane illumination microscopy. Optics Express 16: 7142-7152 (2008).
- Tokunaga, M., Imamoto, N. and Sakata-Sogawa, K. Highly inclined thin illumination enables clear single-molecule imaging in cells. Nature Methods 5: 159-161 (2008).
- Turaga, D. and Holy, T. E. Image-based calibration of a deformable mirror in wide-field microscopy. Applied Optics 49: 2030-2040 (2010).
- Verveer, P. J. and Jovin, T. M. Improved restoration from multiple images of a single object: Application to fluorescence microscopy. Applied Optics 37: 6240-6246 (1998).
- Wagner, M. Weber, P., Bruns, T., Strauss, W. S. L., Wittig, R. and Schneckenburger, H. Light dose is a limiting factor to maintain cell viability in fluorescence microscopy and single molecule detection. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 11: 956-966 (2010).
- Weinkauf, H. and Brehm-Stecher, B. F. Enhanced dark field microscopy for rapid artifact-free detection of nanoparticle binding to Candida albicans cells and hyphae. Biotechnology Journal 4: 871-879 (2009).
- Wohland, T., Shi, X., Sankaran, J. and Stelzer, E. H. K. Single plane illumination fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (SPIM-FCS) probes inhomogeneous three-dimensional environments. Optics Express 18: 10627-10641 (2010).
- Zhou, Y., Chen, L., Krause, S. and Chazalviel, J. N. Scanning photoinduced impedance microscopy using amorphous silicon photodiode structures. Analytical Chemistry 79:6208-6214 (2007).