Practical Aspects of Single-Molecule Superresolution Literature References
The successful implementation of single-molecule superresolution techniques requires a considerable amount of skill and attention to detail, as well as the availability of suitable laser sources. Among the problems associated with this type of imaging are the registration of data, correct image assembly, and choice of suitable probe(s). Other factors, including elimination of aberration, mechanical stage drift, autofluorescence, and basic aspects of specimen preparation are also of critical importance
Recommended Literature
- Baddeley, D., Cannell, M. B. and Soeller, C. Visualization of localization microscopy data.Microscopy and Microanalysis 16: 64-72 (2010).
- Dempsey, G. T., Wang, W. and Zhuang, X. Fluorescence imaging at sub-diffraction-limit resolution with stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy. Handbook of Single-Molecule Biophysics 4: 95-127 (2009).
- Gould, T. J. and Hess, S. T. Nanoscale biological fluorescence imaging: Breaking the diffraction barrier. Methods in Cell Biology 89: 329-358 (2008).
- Gould, T. J., Verkhusha, V. V. and Hess, S. T. Imaging biological structures with fluorescence photoactivation localization microscopy. Nature Protocols 4: 291-308 (2009).
- Lippincott-Schwartz, J. and Manley, S. Putting super-resolution fluorescence microscopy to work. Nature Methods 6: 21-23 (2009).
- Ram, S., Ward, E. S. and Ober, R. J. A stochastic analysis of performance limits for optical microscopes. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 17: 27-57 (2006).
- Shroff, H., Galbraith, C. G., Galbraith, J. A. and Betzig, E. Live-cell photoactivated localization microscopy of nanoscale adhesion dynamics. Nature Methods 5: 417-423 (2008).
- Shroff, H., Galbraith, C. G., Galbraith, J. A., White, H., Gillette, J., Olenych, S., Davidson, M. W. and Betzig, E. Dual-color superresolution imaging of genetically expressed probes within individual adhesion complexes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA)104: 20308-20313 (2007).
- Shroff, H., White, H. and Betzig, E. Photoactivation localization microscopy (PALM) of adhesion complexes. Current Protocols in Cell Biology 41: 4.21.27 (2008).
- Small, A. R. Theoretical limits on errors and acquisition rates in localizing switchable fluorophores. Biophysical Journal 96: L16-L18 (2009).
Additional Literature Sources
- Alcor, D., Gouzer, G. and Triller, A. Single-particle tracking methods for the study of membrane receptors dynamics. European Journal of Neuroscience 30: 987-997 (2009).
- Claytor, K., Khatua, S., Guerrero, J. M., Tcherniak, A., Tour, J. M. and Link, S. Accurately determining single molecule trajectories of molecular motion on surfaces. Journal of Chemical Physics 130: 164710-9 (2009).
- Deng, Y. and Shaevitz, J. W. Effect of aberration on height calibration in three-dimensional localization-based microscopy and particle tracking. Applied Optics 48: 1886-1890 (2009).
- Hedde, P. N., Fuchs, J., Oswald, F., Wiedenmann, J. and Nienhaus, G. U. Online image analysis software for photoactivation localization microscopy. Nature Methods 6: 689-690 (2009).
- Hess, S. T., Gould, T. J., Gunewardene, M., Bewersdorf, J. and Mason, M. D. Ultrahigh resolution imaging of biomolecules by fluorescence photoactivation localization microscopy. Methods in Molecular Biology 544: 483-522 (2009).
- Sandoz, P., Zeggari, R., Froehly, L., Pretet, L. and Mougin, C. Position referencing in optical microscopy thanks to sample holders with out-of-focus encoded patterns. Journal of Microscopy 225: 293-303 (2007).
- Sauer, M. Reversible molecular photoswitches: A key technology for nanoscience and fluorescence imaging. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 102: 9433-9434 (2005).
- Saxon, E. and Bertozzi, C. R. Cell surface engineering by a modified Staudinger reaction.Science 287: 2007-2010 (2000).
- Testa, I., Parazzoli, D., Barozzi, S., Garre, M., Faretta, M. and Diaspro, A. Spatial control of pa-GFP photoactivation in living cells. Journal of Microscopy 230: 48-60 (2008).
- Wolter, S., Schuttpelz, M., Tscherepanow, M., van de Linde, S., Heilemann, M. and Sauer, M. Real-time computation of subdiffraction-resolution fluorescence images. Journal of Microscopy 237: 12-22 (2010).