Superresolution Microscopy Literature References
Even though optical microscopy is limited in lateral and axial resolution to limits of approximately 200 and 500 nanometers, respectively, recent breakthroughs have resulted in the introduction of superresolution imaging techniques that have broken this diffraction limit. Current efforts are focused on using these new techniques to explore the intricacies of intracellular structure and on further improving spatial resolution with an ultimate goal of 1-5 nanometers.
Recommended Literature
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- Gould, T. J. and Hess, S. T. Nanoscale biological fluorescence imaging: breaking the diffraction barrier. Methods in Cell Biology 89: 329-358 (2008).
- Bossi, M., Folling, J., Dyba, M., Westphal, V. and Hell, S W. Breaking the diffraction resolution barrier in far-field microscopy by molecular optical bistability. New Journal of Physics 8:275-280 (2006).
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- Hell, S. W., Dyba, M. and Jakobs, S. Concepts for nanoscale resolution in fluorescence microscopy. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 14: 599-609 (2004).
- Dedecker, P., Hofkens, J. and Hotta, J. I. Diffraction-unlimited optical microscopy. Materials Today 11: 12-21 (2008).
- Hell, S. W. Microscopy and its focal switch. Nature Methods 6: 24-32 (2009).
- Heintzmann, R. and Ficz, G. Breaking the resolution limit in light microscopy. Briefings in Functional Genomics and Proteomics 5: 289-301 (2006).
- Garini, Y., Bermolen, B. J. and Young, I. T. From micro to nano: recent advances in high-resolution microscopy. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 16: 3-12 (2005).
- Egner, A. and Hell, S. W. Fluorescence microscopy with super-resolved optical sections.Trends in Cell Biology 15: 207-215 (2005).
- Stemmer, A., Beck, M. and Fiolka, R. Widefield fluorescence microscopy with extended resolution. Histochemistry and Cell Biology 130: 807-817 (2008).
- Willig, K. I., Keller, J., Bossi, M. and Hell, S. W. STED microscopy resolves nanoparticle assemblies. New Journal of Physics 8: 106-112 (2006).
- Rice, J. H. Beyond the diffraction limit: Far-field fluorescence imaging with ultrahigh resolution. Molecular BioSystems 3: 781-793 (2007).
- Gould, T. J., Verkhusha, V. V. and Hess, S. T. Imaging biological structures with fluorescence photoactivation localization microscopy. Nature Protocols 4: 291-308 (2009).
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- Rust, M. J., Bates, M. and Zhuang, X. Sub-diffraction-limit imaging by stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM). Nature Methods 3: 793-795 (2006).
- Bates, M., Huang, B., Dempsey, G. T. and Zhuang, X. Multicolor super-resolution imaging with photo-switchable fluorescent probes. Science 317: 1749-1767 (2007).
- Egner, A., Verrier, S., Goroshkov, A., Soling, H. D. and Hell, S. W. 4Pi-microscopy of the Golgi apparatus in live mammalian cells. Journal of Structural Biology 147: 70-76 (2004).
- Heilemann, M., van de Linde, S., Schuttpelz, M., Kasper, R., Seefeldt, B., Mukherjee, A., Tinnefeld, P. and Sauer, M. Subdiffraction-resolution fluorescence imaging with conventional fluorescent probes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 47: 6172-6176 (2008).
- Huang, B., Jones, S. A., Brandenburg, B. and Zhuang, X. Whole-cell 3D STORM reveals interactions between cellular structures with nanometer-scale resolution. Nature Methods5: 1047-1072 (2008).
- Huang, B., Wang, W., Bates, M. and Zhuang, X. Three-dimensional super-resolution imaging by scholastic optical reconstruction microscopy. Science 319: 810-822 (2008).
- Reynaud, E. G., Krzic, U., Greger, K. and Stelzer, E H. K. Light sheet-based fluorescence microscopy: More dimensions, more photons, and less photodamage. HFSP Journal 2:266-275 (2008).
- Lippincott-Schwartz, J. and Patterson, G. H. Photoactivatible fluorescent proteins for diffraction-limited and super-resolution imaging. Trends in Cell Biology 19: 555-565 (2009).
- Shroff, H., Galbraith, C. G., Galbraith, J. A. and Betzig, E., Live-cell photoactivated localization microscopy of nanoscale adhesion dynamics. Nature Methods 5: 417-436 (2008).
- Patterson, G. H. Fluorescence microscopy below the diffraction limit. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 20: 886-893 (2009).
- Zhuang, X. Nano-imaging with STORM. Nature Photonics 3: 365-367 (2009).
- Lippincott-Schwartz, J. and Manley, S. Putting super-resolution fluorescence microscopy to work. Nature Methods 6: 21-23 (2009).
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Additional Literature Sources
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