SMZ-1500 Oblique Coherent Contrast Illumination

Featuring objectives with substantially higher numerical apertures and an zoom ratio of 15x, the Nikon SMZ1500 established a new standard in stereomicroscopy. This tutorial explores the light path in Nikon's proprietary Oblique Coherent Contrast illumination system designed to optimize contrast in transmitted stereoscopic microscopy, and available on Nikon's current Common Main Objective (CMO) style stereomicroscopes.
The tutorial initializes with the sliding diaphragm in place, where it shields the center of the light beam allowing coherent light to be projected obliquely onto the specimen to enhance contrast. Use the slider to move the sliding diaphragm into and out of the light path to toggle between brightfield and oblique illumination.
Contributing Authors
Brian O. Flynn and Michael W. Davidson - National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, 1800 East Paul Dirac Dr., The Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 32310.
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