Inverted Microscope Optical Pathways

The Nikon TE300 is a multi-port research level inverted optical microscope designed to accommodate a CCTV or digital camera and a conventional 35 mm SLR camera. This tutorial explores the TE300's optical pathways. Instructions for operation of the tutorial appear below the window. Nikon's current flagship inverted microscope and successor of the TE300 is the Eclipse Ti2.
Use the Inside/Outside button to toggle between external and cut-away views of the internal microscope lenses, beam-splitters, and apertures. When the inside view is chosen, the optical pathway becomes visible and the sliders are activated to allow adjustment of components in the optical pathway. The Prism slider controls the beam-splitter/prism, which directs light to the front and side camera ports. Use the Condenser Diaphragm slider to control the size of this aperture, and the resulting numerical aperture of specimen-illuminating light rays. The Field Diaphragm slider controls the size of the light beam traveling through the microscope.
Contributing Authors
Brian O. Flynn and Michael W. Davidson - National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, 1800 East Paul Dirac Dr., The Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 32310.